President – Maribeth Kennedy
THe President Message will be forcoming. We are updating this page. Pictures will also be added
Members of the Executive Committee
- President - Maribeth Kennedy
- Vice President - Sandie Denison
- Recording Secretary - Debbie Loveless
- Communications Secretary - Tanya Endres
- Treasurer - Becky Bush
- Assistant Treasurer – Lois Finley
- Membership Chairwoman – Marsha Dickey
- Bylaws Chair - Cheryl Thompson
- Immediate Past President - Theresa Webb
Members of the Board: Officers and Standing Committee Chairs
- President - mMaribeth Denison
- Vice President - Sandie Denison
- Recording Secretary - Debbie Loveless
- Communications Secretary - Tanya Endres
- Treasurer - Becky Bush
- Assistant Treasurer - Lois Finley
- Membership Chairwoman - Marsha Dickey
- Bylaws Chair - Cheryl Thompson
- Past President - Theresa Webb
- Caring for America - Charlene DeWitt
- Fundraising -
- Campaign Activities - Open
- Publicity - Open
- Communications Website - Marsha Dickey, Sandie Denison, Maribeth Kennedy
- Publications -
- Advocacy - Open
- Video Promotions - Open
- Historian –
- Advisory Board -
- Education -
- Parliamentarian
- Chaplain(nonvoting) –